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Why You Shouldn’t Get Into Guns – YouTube


Why You Shouldn’t Get Into Guns – YouTube


The Black community and gun ownership

The Second Amendment to our U.S. Constitution says; “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

In pure and simple language that should be made loud and clear that law-abiding citizens regardless of pigmentation have the right to defend themselves from those who would do harm to them and to their country.

The right to keep and bear arms has been under assault for a very long time and not just with the current crop of gun-grabbers of today. According to a video hosted by Dana Loesch via NRA TV, she points out that gun control at the founding of our nation was for the purpose of keeping guns out of the hands of blacks and even other minorities. I do strongly believe in the right to own firearms is not limited to just white guys and gals.

Gun control is not about controlling guns or gun control itself. It is about control over people… period.

Julia Craven of the progressive-leaning HuffPost wrote a story in which they interviewed 11 black gun owners. Not all of them are conservative right-wing Republicans. One of the gun-owners highlighted calls herself a “Southern liberal.” Our media might still paint these gun-owners as gang bangers or whatever and even the HuffPost might give you that impression of these black gun owners at first. Sadly I think the media promoted the Hip-Hop culture as just another way to demoralize blacks without the impression that they are being demoralized. No different than progressives moving away from slavery to government-sponsored and subsidized enslavement.

If we are for liberty and freedom, we must promote guns rights for all. Liberty and freedom must be promoted for all humans, the only true race.






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